- Surveys and Analysis
- About the Activity Monitor
When they go out, participants living in the village carry an Activity Monitor, which measures activity levels (mainly the number of steps they take), and a portable device that records who they walk past.
the activity monitor
the portable device
For detailed instructions on its use, please click here.
The data collected by the Activity Monitor objectively measures levels of physical activity. Along with the subjective health survey (a paper questionnaire), this data can give participants feedback to help them compare the objective measures of their activity and their subjective evaluations of their health and to tie these to their health-related behaviors.

Left: health survey (paper survey) feedback
Right: activity monitor feedback
The portable device records "social contact" between residents at five-minute intervals, which creates a record of sequential patterns of social contact between residents that allows us to confirm their social networks.

illustration of the portable device sending data of whom passing by.
By connecting this social network information to subjective indicators, it is also possible to examine what kinds of networks are associated with regional happiness and multi-generational contacts.

example of a participant's social network